Sanāthāvihārī Bhikkhu


Bhante Sanāthāvihārī is a Mexican-American Theravāda monk at the Sarathchandra Buddhist Center in North Hollywood, a Sri Lankan center. He is a student of the late Dr. Bhante Madawela Puññaji, and the founder of Casa De Bhavana–an outreach project to bring the Dhamma to the Spanish-speaking world. He is also the co-author of Buddhism in 10 Steps.


Right Effort

"Bhante Sanāthāvihārī visiting from California, speaks about Right Effort."

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Difficult Situations

"In this talk, Bhante Sanāthāvihārī will give an outline of the appropriate Buddhist response when encountering adversity."

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MN129: The Foolish and the Wise - Balapanditta Sutta

"The Buddha speaks about the difference between a foolish person and a wise person."

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book cover
Buddhism in 10 Steps

Alan Peto and Sanāthāvihārī Bhikkhu introduce Buddhism and explain Buddhist teachings and beliefs in this new book meant for beginners. This short and simple "guide" introduces the Buddhist religion, core teachings, beliefs, practices, and concepts.

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How to Replace Unwholesome Thoughts

"Theravada monk Bhante Sanāthāvihārī explains how to replace and protect ourselves from unwholesome thoughts."

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Meet a Teacher: Bhante Sanāthāvihārī

"I grew up in the ethnically diverse neighborhoods of Koreatown and Hollywood in Los Angeles. My father was a Marine Corps veteran and my mother was from Jerez, Mexico."

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A Theravadan monk explains how Buddhist mindfulness and clinical therapeutic mindfulness are complimentary — but not the same

"As a Buddhist monk, I have some misgivings about the way in which mindfulness is understood and used today. My biggest concern is the misunderstanding of mindfulness, which can often lead to the abuse of it."

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Buddhist Door en Español logo
Salud mental y mindfulness

"Me gustaría comenzar con una enseñanza particular del Buda en el Aṅgutara Nikāya."

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Other work

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Ariyadhamma Buddhist Counseling: Deep Listening Sessions

My approach to Deep Listening has an emphasis on Kindfulness. Put simply, it is being completely present with an attitude of empathetic friendliness. In addition to Deep Listening, I also incorporate the psychological approaches of Bearing Witness, Holding Space, and Kind Speech.

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Tricycle Course: Right Effort

"This series will introduce the four mental trainings for overcoming unwholesome states and reaching wholesome ones that can provide the serenity of mind for further progress in concentrative and insight practices."

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